10+ years of Solar Monitoring
Thousands of solar PV generation sites with SolarVuŽ energy portals have been installed to monitor solar asset performance displaying power, energy, revenue, status and trends on your PC or mobile device. SolarVuŽ can be used on systems of any size with equipment from most inverter vendors and manufacturers. Site managers receive daily output reports and fault alarms by email.
Tools included in SolarVu with SurePoint include diagnostics and portfolio management tools.
Contact us for a quote or with any inquiries. Read below for more information.
Configured to order
Advanced analytics & diagnosis
Email alerts when action is needed
Manage multiple sites easily
Configure to Order
Each renewable energy monitoring system is custom built for its owner, with each being configured to match the selected equipment and site requirements.
Most of our systems are grid tied solar PV ranging from small residential to commercial roofs or ground mounted farms.
However, we have supplied SolarVu for off grid PV, solar thermal systems and wind.
SolarVu - Enhanced with a SurePoint Subscription
Diagnose system issues and identify underperforming inverters or strings. SurePoint brings enterprise ready O&M tools to manage your portfolio of solar sites.
Get real-time email alerts
Make sure the right stakeholders receive emails as soon as there is a detected issue at one of your sites that requires attention. Sign up as many stakeholders as you need, so those who need to be responsible, accountable, and aware of the situation can be informed.
Use SurePoint tools to diagnose the cause of the issue to ensure the right replacement parts are ready and you minimize the number of site visits.
SurePoint Analyzer - Identify root cause
Use SurePoint analyzer tools for problem diagnosis, and sign up the right stakeholders for real time alerts. On large sites with multiple inverters and strings, your first indication of a problem may be one of our email fault alarms.
Inverter Status
Get immediately notified of faults, compare the output of each inverter, quickly identify what the likely cause is before dispatching an expensive truck roll. For difficult issues, view and download logs and consult with the inverter support engineers to root cause issues.
Identify and solve inverter discrepencies and problems when they occur. PowerWatch will notify you of inverter level problems as they occur, with problems diagnosable with the 30 day log.
Be alerted of faulty panels by being connected and monitoring at the string level. Compare output to what is expected based off site location, condition and equipment specifications.
SurePoint Enterprise - Manage many sites
Owners of a portfolio of sites which have SurePoint can view equipment status and site performance of all their portals in a single place. Compare output power, energy generated, revenues and alarm status. Print detailed reports or download data for any time period. Large portfolios can be organized according to your needs into subgroups like comparing similar locations, accounts or equipment types.
Portfolio view
SurePoint Enterprise allows you to efficiently manage multiple site locations. Quickly identify and fix problems to minimize revenue loss.
Download reports
IPPs can generate custom reports for any time period to evaluate performance of their power generation assets. These can be in PDF or CSV format for distribution.
Optional Features
Most of our customers enjoy taking advantage of optional equipment in their monitoring configuration. Each optional feature allows for better diagnosis and analysis, and offers additional value over a regular SolarVu installation. Equipment support is included with your SurePoint subscription.
WeatherTrak - Measure and compare site conditions
More accurately track site performance by connecting sensors measuring irradiance, panel and ambient temperature. Daily insolation, energy and peak irradiance can allow for additional alerting in the event that equipment underperforms.
PayCheck - Revenue grade meter for accurate billing
Use a revenue grade meter to reconcile the bill received from your utility or off taker versus actual energy produced. Connecting revenue grade meters allow for revenue level discrepancies to be identified before the payout date.
SnoCam - Visual site monitoring
Visual site monitoring can be useful to get a real view into site conditions by viewing weather conditions, but also in identifying snow-coverage as an issue impacting performance, to visually identifying faulty trackers. Customers also use SnoCam for insurance purposes.
Need more?
Do you have specific LDC requirements? Need a SCADA configuration? Want to connect with SmartGrid distributed energy resources like batteries, EV charging stations or building loads? We do this too! Check out our other products.
We support and provide custom SCADA setups to meet utility grid connect requirements for the right amount of monitoring and control.
SmartGrid NRGPilot
NRGPilot brings monitoring and control to smart grid equipment, and we can bring the capabilities of the Cachelan platform to meet your needs.